Spirit of Music - 2025

Spirit of Music - 2025
Enhancing our Relationship with Music
Viewing (and playing) Music from the inside: A YOUnique and AWEsome experience! August 12 - August 16
Date: August 12 - August 16
(5pm Tues- 1pm Sat)
Instruments: All or None (You don’t have to be a musician to attend)
Levels: All
Ages: 18 - 99
Lodging: Included
Meals: Included
Shuttle Times:
Pickup at Country Inn & Suites 9:45am
Pickup at Airport 10:00am and 3:00pm
**$75 Shuttle fee if needed - Click here to register/pay
Capacity: 70
Student Tuition: $1400
Deposit: 700
Combine with Music Theory 3-Day: $100 discount applied
Playing Music from the inside, outside, and All sides. A YOUnique and AWEsome Xperience!
Enhancing our Relationship with Music
Is there more to being a musician than just “playing” music? Have you ever felt like Music was playing you? Can your instrument be used to positively affect people and the environment around us? Can Music help us play music? Can Music have a healing affect? Is there a significance of 432 Hz? Sometimes Music speaks to us in ways that can’t easily be explained. Nightly “open-topic” discussions give us all a safe, friendly, and confidential forum for growth. If this sounds interesting to you, Join Victor Wooten and other like-minded people to explore these topics and more – much more. COME EXPERIENCE THE MAGIC!!!!
Instructors: Victor Wooten, Bob Hemenger, Dave Welsch, The Wooten Brothers, and more
(Instructors are subject to change.)
Some Topics Covered
Imagination, its purpose, and how to use it
Using Music for specific purposes
Vibrations and Frequency
Tuning your instrument and your body
Discovering, facing, and conquering the baggage we carry when performing
Cultivating more enjoyment in ourselves and the listeners
Music as a healing force
The use of attention and intention
How to affect an audience
How to affect a single person in the audience
The hidden meanings of the Music symbols
Content from Victor’s “The Music Lesson” and “The Spirit of Music” books
Whatever topics you bring to the table
And more…much more!
Take Advantage of this Special Offer!
Spirit of Music/Music Theory Combo
Receive a $100 Discount if you Register for both Programs!
Attending these two consecutive programs will make for a broader experience. Take advantage of this exciting opportunity and claim your spaces in these different but equally remarkable programs.
Please note: For more valuable information please refer to our F.A.Q. page here